Book Review: Meena Kumari by Vinod Mehta

Meena Kumari – A Classic Biography – A book review Meena Kumari (born as Mahjabeen Bano) – the greatest actress of Indian cinema. Often portrayed as the sad, lonely, betrayed, unloved, and suffering woman (at least that is the picture we get of her). Oh! how can one forget her role of “Choti Bahu” in Sahib, Biwi and Ghulam – that woman desperate for her husband’s love. Whatever role she … Continue reading Book Review: Meena Kumari by Vinod Mehta

Help, trust and all that happens between a woman and a man

A must read from Ludovica Gazzè, who is a well traveled researcher from Italy, and currently studying in Boston – about traveling and living amongst the men of India! (Warning – Some adult language used ahead!) Two days ago it was my last Sunday in India. It was a beautiful day, and I was in beautiful Madhya Pradesh (sorry, Uttar Pradesh, but I couldn’t resist the hills, … Continue reading Help, trust and all that happens between a woman and a man

Victims of the “Jealous Wife”

How many of you know of that particular woman – the one who snoops into her husband’s phones, emails, Facebook accounts, diaries, notebooks etc; and who cannot stand her husband near this particular “living being” called “another female”. Are you one of them? Then woman- trust us- you are being possessed by that nasty ghost called “jealous wife”! Trust us, we don’t mean to preach, … Continue reading Victims of the “Jealous Wife”

Chennai Express – The Italian Review

Chennai Express (Milano-Chennai via Boston) A review by our Italian friend – Ludovica Gazzè, who is visiting from Boston and enjoys Shah Rukh Khan movies!  She also exceptionally smart – a PhD student at MIT, who also serves a movie critic for web magazines.  Enjoy the review… I guess the first question is what does an Italian woman who doesn’t speak a word of Hindi … Continue reading Chennai Express – The Italian Review

Salman Khan To Bite Dust?

“His name will be in tomorrow morning’s newspapers – a man who rises fast, bites dust equally fast”, quips Nizamuddin Baig from Sultanpur outside Salman Khan’s Galaxy Apartments. For those of you who are unaware, Salman Khan a superstar and a do-gooder in his own right.  Salman is involved in raising funds for social causes through this charity – Being Human. Salman also an arch rival … Continue reading Salman Khan To Bite Dust?

Flight etiquette: Stomping by the Uncles and Auntys

We are sure we are not alone to experience the tripping, pushing, shoving by uncles and aunties (read: mannerism)  in the airport lines and even inside the planes. And we are not being specific to any airline – it could be any airline in any part of the world-  specially when you travel within India by Indigo, Go Air, Jet Airways, Spice, Air India, Indian … Continue reading Flight etiquette: Stomping by the Uncles and Auntys

Jannat (Heaven) At Mannat

We are crazy about Bollywood. In fact, Mumbai is Disney World for us. And if Mumbai is Disney World, then Bandra is the “Indiana Jones” ride for us. After all, all mega star Khans live in Bandra! Talking about Khans, we passed by Shahrukh Khan’s Mannat the other day. For those of you who don’t know the background about Mannat, it is a heritage building … Continue reading Jannat (Heaven) At Mannat

Monkey Business of Sunset Watching

When did you last see the sun set?  Probably you do not remember. Thus, when you visit a new place and someone suggests that one must “walk 1 kilometer” to a certain “sunset point” to witness the best view, you might find the idea extremely fascinating. We faced the same situation when we were in Mount. Abu, Rajasthan. Obviously, we were not alone who found … Continue reading Monkey Business of Sunset Watching

Convert Rupees 5 into Rupees 10

  A sure-shot mantra for doubling your money!  Collect Rupees 5 coins, and head straight to Dharavi, specifically behind the Mahim Station.  We found a guy who collects Rupees 5, melts them down and converts them into razor blades and sells them for a much higher price.  He offered to give us Rupees 6 with a promise that if we bring more coins, the conversion … Continue reading Convert Rupees 5 into Rupees 10

How to become an astrologer…

Are we not always curious to know about our past, our present and our future? Are we not tempted to approach a palm reader or a fortune-teller whenever we see them? South Mumbai has plenty of street palm readers, and seeing one, we decided to investigate his business strategy. First, the astrologer started with very generic “tag” questions such as “You think from your heart, don’t you?”, “You are emotional, aren’t … Continue reading How to become an astrologer…