Modi stealing nonexistent political secularism

Mr. Narendra Modi- love him or hate him, but one cannot ignore the fact that his win is anything but an ordinary one. Today many politically liberal  ‘intellectuals’  fear that India will now see religious polarization under his rule. Some even argue that the world’s largest democracy is entering the most sinister period since independence. Of course, Modi is divisive, but for a common man, … Continue reading Modi stealing nonexistent political secularism

Vida Manejo, Narendra Modi, Modi, Lok Sabha Elections, 2014 Elections

The Fall of Super Modi – India’s Lok Sabha Elections 2014

The Republic of India in it’s 64th year, elected Narendra Modi as it’s Prime Minister in May, 2014. The election was a historic one, with over 800 million eligible voters, the largest democracy in the world went to vote in months of April and May. The election of Narendra Modi was nothing short of controversy on steroids – his tainted human rights record was overshadowed by … Continue reading The Fall of Super Modi – India’s Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Mother's Day, Vida Manejo, Violence Against Women,

Mother’s Day Stories – The Mother who lost in love!

The pale yellow walls closed in on memories her heart ached to leave behind. The innocent smile of the child ripped from her bosom too soon cut through her heart like an old rusted knife tearing at her wounds slowly but surely. He took her beautiful baby away 10 days ago and she didn’t know whom to turn to. Tears clouded her vision as she stared … Continue reading Mother’s Day Stories – The Mother who lost in love!

Mother’s Day Special: Our mother’s unfulfilled dreams

(Edited version of this blog has been featured in Kathmandu Post, Nepal’s leading newspaper) Don’t we love our mothers? Particularly on Mother’s Day, our gratitude for her unconditional love exponentially increases. To express our love, we buy sweets, we wish her, we take her out for dinners, and we actively update our Facebook and Twitter telling the whole world how much we love our mother. … Continue reading Mother’s Day Special: Our mother’s unfulfilled dreams

Magical Effects of Blue Sapphire 

(Note: Blue Sapphire is known as Neelam in the Indian subcontinent) Those hailing from the ancient civilizations of South East Asia – India, Nepal and China in particular, place significant importance on gemstones and their healing powers. It is said that the heavenly lights from the sun and the moon pass through the stone; the stone touches the body resulting in unprecedented changes in our karmic … Continue reading Magical Effects of Blue Sapphire