6 Ways to Give to Nepal – Earthquake Relief

The devastating earthquake in Nepal has shattered each one of us. The news is filled with tragic images of our brothers and sisters patiently awaiting help from Domestic and International Aid institutions. Nearly 4,000 people have already lost their lives, in an earthquake worst in nearly a century. The crumbled infrastructure and impoverished countryside has made it difficult for relief and government workers to get to … Continue reading 6 Ways to Give to Nepal – Earthquake Relief

The plight of farmer suicides – the latest in dirty Indian politics

Gajendra Singh, a farmer from Dausa (outside Jaipur) committed suicide by hanging himself to death during a rally held by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in New Delhi on April 22, 2015. AAP calls it suicide and villagers call it foul play. A police FIR (First Information Report) has been filed against AAP members stating that they instigated Gajendra to commit suicide and prevented the … Continue reading The plight of farmer suicides – the latest in dirty Indian politics

Fun Blog: How a mother finds a bride for her son

(Disclaimer: I might have exaggerated incidences to create a story. My intention is to highlight parents’ anxiety, excitement and obsession about their children’s marriage in our “arranged-marriage” culture ) Eight years ago, my mother had undertaken a task of finding a bride for my cousin. She incessantly muttered, “Why didn’t he find a girlfriend? Is  that not easy?” She had been reaching out to all … Continue reading Fun Blog: How a mother finds a bride for her son