6 Girlfriends You Must Have in Your Life

When your heart is broken, or you are confused about which career path to follow, or when you need comforting, who comes to your emotional rescue? Well, boyfriends, husbands and lovers come and go, and they rarely want to stick around to hear about your emotional upheavals. During these troubling times, it’s our girlfriends who deliver! One thing women across the world will tell you … Continue reading 6 Girlfriends You Must Have in Your Life

Art of dealing with Parents’ Emotional Drama

South Asian, on top of that, from a typical middle class family- we deal with parental interference throughout our life.  In general, South Asian parents are not good at expressing emotions but they are quite good at providing instructions on what their children should do in life.  “Be an engineer, a doctor or a banker”, “Get a job in one of those big companies”, “Get … Continue reading Art of dealing with Parents’ Emotional Drama

Lending Money to Friends without losing the Friendship

Have you ever been in a situation when your friend, family or lover asked you for monetary help? Do you believe that we as humans are obligated to bail out our loved ones in time of financial difficulty? Or do you believe that each person has the responsibility to take care of their own financial needs? Lending money to a friend or family one can be a … Continue reading Lending Money to Friends without losing the Friendship