About Vida Manejo

A big hello from us!

Authors of this blog have intertwined lives – met through fate, with love, friendship, and common ideas around humanity binding us together.

So why the name Vida Manejo?  It’s inspired by one our favorite languages – Spanish.  Neither of us know Spanish fluently, but it’s one of those languages that rolls smoothly off your tongue doesn’t it? We selected the name Vida Manejo – Life Management.  Isn’t that what we all are doing?  Figuring out ways to manage our lives? As sour as life may get sometimes, we humans figure out ways to manage our troubles. What we leave behind are lovely stories and learning lessons for others to emulate.

The blog is dedicated to:

1. Mindfulness – In our attempt to simplify our lives, we are discovering tools, methods and learnings from other efficient and effective people. We wish to highlight these tools for all our readers, so we can collectively help each other figure our lives out.

2. Life & Travel Stories – Meeting new people from across the globe and traveling brings an enriched perspective to mundane lives. No matter where we go, we meet amazing people with amazing life stories. We find versions of wonder that makes us wanna pull out the camera and click away. We hope to bring the lesser known perspective about places we travel and people we meet, so you can enjoy these stories as much as we did.

3. Cinema & Bollywood – Both of us are Bollywood junkies and that’s not about to change anytime soon. We love diving into every single movie and discuss every single character. Movies don’t leave our souls, we discuss the parallels in movies from across the globe perpetually. We hope you will enjoy our viewpoint and share your own.

4. Advocacy – Our career in international development has helped us better understand issues plaguing the world today – political unrest, corruption, and greed. As dire as circumstances may seem, there are stories of triumph, of success and empowerment. We wish to highlight stories of human struggle and successes to advocate for peace and equality.

5. Women’s Empowerment  We are dedicated to advancing issues related to women. With the tumultuous state of affairs around the world, it is crucial we pay added attention to the plight of women around the globe. Similarly, we want to highlight the stories of extra-ordinary women who teach us about audacity and tenacity!

We hope you will enjoy Vida Manejo and be a part of our expanding community.  If you have suggestions for what kinds of stories you would like to read, please email us at vidamanejo@gmail.com.  We also are proud supporters of The Sewing Project, a society of women for women working towards providing livelihoods training, financial education and community support for young women in Uttar Pradesh.  Do visit their website and provide your valuable feedback.

We look forward to hearing from you.


22 thoughts on “About Vida Manejo

  1. Hey there! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed what I have been reading on your site. You deserve every plaudit that comes your way for making this happen. 🙂

    I do have one column/story that I’d like you to write about. It’s probably worth confessing that I’m a lesbian and have been one my whole life and I’m proud about it. I’ve never seen the end of abuse I get for this, though. They think I’m untouchable for this one reason. How sexuality can have so much influence, I’ll never know. Lesbianism isn’t all about sex as sexuality isn’t. Probably something that could spark a little row, but it’s important to understand that it isn’t a crime, in fact far off it!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Its such as you read my mind! You appear to understand a lot about this, like you wrote the
    e-book in it or something. I believe that you could do with some % to power the message home
    a bit, however instead of that, this is fantastic blog.
    An excellent read. I’ll definitely be back.

  3. Hello Deepti and Mudita, I was wondering whether I can run an inspirational story focusing your initiative the The Sewing Project for my blog. If this interests you, please also share whether either of you will also consent to be interviewed as part of this feature? Looking forward and all the best, S

      1. Hi Mudita, thanks. I ma going through the content and will draft a Q/A. Meanwhile please send me your email or drop me an email so I can send it to you within this week. Secondly, if I can also have a positive case-study/1-2 photos from your project deliverables to run as a follow up after your Q/A. These will become part of my annual March series of bringing inspiring women stories on the blog as part of celebrating March 8. Let’s get your hard work and project on 2014’s series 🙂 Looking forward, S

  4. Dear friend, Thank you very much, I was really happy to have been following your blog. I’m still a lot to figure out, and here I can only say that you are an awesome blogger, full Inspiring and hope you can inspire more readers. Thanks and greetings compassion from Gede Prama 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. We think it’s an honor to hear that from you, especially given how compassionate and thoughtful your words are. We really appreciate your feedback from the bottom of our hearts. If there are ways we can improve, please let us know.

    1. OMG! We are so honored and we will feature this on our website ASAP, including a link to your blog. This is pretty cool and we didn’t know about it until now!

      We will definitely feature our own nominations, just like you and Nair have done. Is there a time limit within which you decided who the winner would be? I ask because I am trying to see how best to set up the nominations + awards.

      Hope you have a lovely New Year!

      1. Brilliant! The cool thing about these ‘chain-mail’ type appreciation awards is it is entirely up to you how long you take to participate… or not! You ‘win’ by accepting the nomination and nominating others – bringing more attention to more blogs, expanding your blogging community.

        What I like about this one is its a nice way to say ‘thank you’ to other bloggers that interact with you, sharing comments, observations, pet peeves and more!

        So take your time and do also have a lovely New Year!!

We want to hear from you!