5 Off-Beat Things To Do in Dharamsala

Dharamsala, the winter capital of Himchal Pradesh is a wonderful place for those seeking a spiritual experience or just a get-away from the daily humdrum of life. The city is also known as Little Lhasa, fondly named after the Tibetan capital city. Dharamsala has been home to nearly 80,000 Tibetan refugees who have found home in India after leaving modern-day Tibet because of unrest and … Continue reading 5 Off-Beat Things To Do in Dharamsala

What is it about New Years that we all want it to be a fresh start?

Read: 8 mins “New Year’s Day … now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” ~ Mark Twain ~ New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies, fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain (No pun indented). January is a good time to re-evaluate, re-prioritize and re-set new ambitious goals … Continue reading What is it about New Years that we all want it to be a fresh start?

Got Strep Throat? This Natural Remedy Works!

My family has a love-hate relationship with Strep Throat. Strep seems to love us, and we hate the pain, fever, shivers and antibiotics we’re subjected to when Strep comes along multiple times a year. The beginning of school year is especially hard on kids and parents. My friends and their kids seem to contract Strep at least once and it’s a miserable time for the … Continue reading Got Strep Throat? This Natural Remedy Works!

Sit Less, Live Longer – Why I Love my Standing Desk

Is Sitting That Bad for Health? Researchers say “sitting is the new smoking” for our generation. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure too much sitting increases backaches, shoulder fatigue and stress on the spine. Sitting around without much intermittent movement, is terrible for muscles that go in a near-dead mode when sitting for extended periods of time. Body on chair translates to: Reduced calorie-burning rate of … Continue reading Sit Less, Live Longer – Why I Love my Standing Desk

Design Your Special Day Behind Your Door

Happy New Year, friends!  Are we not excited about the beginning of the year and our New Year  resolutions to lead a healthy lifestyle? How about giving ourselves the permission to truly relax in our own backyard this year? We have read about Yogis discussing about their truly transformative experiences and benefits from a Yoga Retreat. But let me be honest. Yoga Retreats are expensive. … Continue reading Design Your Special Day Behind Your Door

Secrets lurking in the Beauty Salons

Would you go to a Beauty Salon if you knew this? For middle-class women across the world, the simple affordable luxury that a salon visit provides is nothing short of desirable indulgence. Accessibility to inexpensive salons is a testament to how times have changed. Once reserved only for the elite, personal beauty services are more attainable compared to even two or three decades ago. The … Continue reading Secrets lurking in the Beauty Salons

6 Girlfriends You Must Have in Your Life

When your heart is broken, or you are confused about which career path to follow, or when you need comforting, who comes to your emotional rescue? Well, boyfriends, husbands and lovers come and go, and they rarely want to stick around to hear about your emotional upheavals. During these troubling times, it’s our girlfriends who deliver! One thing women across the world will tell you … Continue reading 6 Girlfriends You Must Have in Your Life

The Only Beauty Elixir You Need!

Ask any Indian grandmother, mother or Indian Aunty about how her hair is so thick and lush and she’ll inevitably say – Coconut oil. We all have fond memories of our moms grabbing us by the head and forcing the coconut oil in our heads for shiny glistening tresses. And the remedy works! Not only for hair, but practically for every possible beauty need there … Continue reading The Only Beauty Elixir You Need!

Yoga 101: For those who think they cannot do Yoga!

You have heard about Yoga, you want to try but too scared seeing those extraordinary poses!  You think you cannot do Yoga! I explain why Yoga is just for you. How shall I start? Listen to this 10 minute “visualization” exercise offered by Esther Ekhart. Two years ago, when I first came across this video, I was in a bad phase of my life. During this exercise, … Continue reading Yoga 101: For those who think they cannot do Yoga!