

Selected - 8-SMALLI hope you enjoy reading the stories on this blog from around the world about amazing people, their lives, their journeys. Stories that will inspire you and help you connect to the broader human experience.

Also, please check out the wonderful work the volunteer work our volunteer society for women by women – The Sewing Project, is currently doing. We’re working to provide livelihoods training, financial education and community support for young women in Uttar Pradesh.  Also check out House Of Alva, an online boutique that connects Indian artisans to the world.



“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine. My mom tells me I started traveling when I was a month old. My job as a development professional still allows me to travel to interior  and remote parts of India. I am blessed that the man I fell in love is also passionate about traveling. Together, we have visited several countries in Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa so far. And we do collect magnets from the places we visit together. When I travel, I try to collect stories- stories of people and their activities.  Through this blog, I hope to share such life stories  that I have personally found funny, inspiring or at times disturbing.


A man on a journey to witness dreams and reality melt. img_1561A defiant feminist and a free
thinker. A believer in compassion and patience. A dedicated soul.

Live with the motto it’s always too early to stop believing in your dreams. Think freely . Love irrationally.


Pixel Counter

A designer who’s heart beats for pixel perfection.

When I am not counting pixels, you’ll often find me perfecting my jabs and crosses or whipping up a Paleo treat or running wild being a paparazzi with my 18 mm or being a total nerd watching DC and Marvel movies

I am passionate about creating the crossroads of art and purpose to craft meaningful ideas that endure. Someday, I wish to design a world that’s thoughtful, considerate and aesthetically pleasing.


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