P.I.N.K – Movie Review

(WARNING: Post contains graphic details of violence against women. May not be appropriate for readers under 18). 92 women get raped in India, EVERY DAY. That is one woman every 18 minutes. By the time you get up to the daily monotony of a routine robotic life and are finished with a sumptuous breakfast of toast with peanut butter and coffee, almost 15 women have … Continue reading P.I.N.K – Movie Review

Maggi in Messy Soup! What will we do now?

The news media is abuzz with news about elevated Lead and MSG levels in my beloved Maggi noodles. I scan packages of Maggi lining my junk food cabinet – a secret treat for myself and the family ready for consumption in just “2-minutes”. My head says throw out these DEADLY junky noodles away, but my heart says NO! Looking at that yummy, crinkly yellow, green package of Atta noodles, … Continue reading Maggi in Messy Soup! What will we do now?

Arnab Goswami tells Amitabh Bachchan like it is

Amitabh Bachchan confessed on “Frankly Speaking” this weekend, that he too is a fan of Arnab Goswami and watches the Newshour every night. Arnab has always been fierce and unstoppable, and delivered yet again by pinning Mr. Bachchan on Bollywood’s elitist, careless and selfish attitude, and Mr. Bachchan’s own reluctance to speak up about issues affecting the common man. Mr. Bachchan was on the defensive and I was frankly let down by … Continue reading Arnab Goswami tells Amitabh Bachchan like it is

Piku Movie Review – The perfect Mother’s Day treat

Our parents are aging, and we are all worried about how we will care for them in their infirmity. For me, my mother especially has been the center of my universe, and the most giving and strongest woman I know. I love my mother dearly and always hoped I would be around her as she aged. My mom is a fiercely independent woman – diametrically opposite to the … Continue reading Piku Movie Review – The perfect Mother’s Day treat

Magical Effects of Blue Sapphire 

(Note: Blue Sapphire is known as Neelam in the Indian subcontinent) Those hailing from the ancient civilizations of South East Asia – India, Nepal and China in particular, place significant importance on gemstones and their healing powers. It is said that the heavenly lights from the sun and the moon pass through the stone; the stone touches the body resulting in unprecedented changes in our karmic … Continue reading Magical Effects of Blue Sapphire 

Can I be like Akshay Kumar? Yes, he’s that inspiring!

Khans rule Bollywood! It’s Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir who have ruled Bollywood for over 20 years now. But then there’s Akshay Kumar, who has carved out his own niche in the industry ridden with nepotism and camp-ism (read SRK camp, Bachchan camp and Salman camp). Though it may seem Akshay has been overshadowed by the Khans, his caliber and “head-on-the-shoulders” attitude has made him one of … Continue reading Can I be like Akshay Kumar? Yes, he’s that inspiring!

Kalyug ke Bhagwans (Modern Gods) – Bollywood Masala and Mumbai Auto-wallahs

If you are star struck like us and visit Mumbai, make a time to communicate with an auto or taxi driver. Invariably they have ekdum andar ki masala khabar (translate – inside Bollywood gossip) for you. We have met all sort of filmy drivers in Mumbai who worked as an electrician in Shahrukh Khan’s, a plumber in Salman khan house, a tea-boy at Ranbir Kapoor’s film unit during … Continue reading Kalyug ke Bhagwans (Modern Gods) – Bollywood Masala and Mumbai Auto-wallahs

Rahul Baba’s Ordinance NONSENSE!

Recently, the Un-Progressive Alliance (UPA) India, headed by Congress issued the controversial and shameless ordinance to save their star performer MPs and MLAs with criminal records so they can contest in the next election. While Aam Admi like you and I were scratching our heads wondering, how foolish the Government thinks we are, our hero, our savior, our Rahul Baba came out of the  poster … Continue reading Rahul Baba’s Ordinance NONSENSE!