Mahabharat’s Karna – The Hero or Anti-Hero? – Part 1

There isn’t a gentle heart that doesn’t sympathize with Karna – a critical Mahanayak (major actor / character) in the epic Mahabharata. Born to a young unwed princess – Kunti and the Sun God, Karna was abandoned at childbirth, because his parents didn’t have the courage to face the society replete with double standards. Youtube link of Kunti abandoning Karna  Karna’s journey through the epic … Continue reading Mahabharat’s Karna – The Hero or Anti-Hero? – Part 1

5 Reasons to watch the “New Mahabharata” today!

If you have not started watching Mahabharata airing on Star Plus at 8.30 PM (Monday-Friday), then my friends, it is time to start! Most of us grew up watching B.R. Chopra’s and perhaps we have watched it multiple times (Here’s a link to Mahabharata Movies and Books for your reference).  How can we forget the larger than life actors as the characters of Mahabharat:  Mukesh Khanna as Bheesma, Nitish Bhardwaj … Continue reading 5 Reasons to watch the “New Mahabharata” today!