Will you accept your Gay Indian son?

(DISCLAIMER: NOT APPROPRIATE FOR READERS UNDER 18. GENERALIZATIONS ARE NEVER COOL, BUT WE MAKE THEM ANYWAY) Citizens of the world – the U.S. is slowly but surely getting its act together toward a more tolerant social structure. Gays-Lesbians-Bisexuals-Straights can all get married and our bosoms are fluffed with PRIDE! But not everyone’s happy, especially those who feel their conservative American values have been tarnished by RAINBOWS and FRUITS … Continue reading Will you accept your Gay Indian son?

When Valentine’s Day in India Sends you Running for Cover

As I recently read the article about Ancient India and our amazingly sensual and lurid past, I really couldn’t help but marvel at the state of LOVE affairs in India. India indeed has a very licentious relationship with sensuality. We pride ourselves for authoring the Kamasutra, which details descriptions of every form of sexual union imaginable between man-woman, woman-woman, man-man. We built temples in Khajuraho, … Continue reading When Valentine’s Day in India Sends you Running for Cover

Gay in India – You’re Illegal!

Oh thou moralists, wake up! (DISCLAIMER: INAPPROPRIATE FOR READERS UNDER 18) We recently heard the Supreme Court declaring that Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code cannot be struck down, making gay sex now illegal in India. We felt violated! Gay or straight, whatever our orientation might be, a bunch of moralists sitting in that closed room have now allowed the government to enter our … Continue reading Gay in India – You’re Illegal!