Arnab Goswami tells Amitabh Bachchan like it is

Amitabh Bachchan confessed on “Frankly Speaking” this weekend, that he too is a fan of Arnab Goswami and watches the Newshour every night. Arnab has always been fierce and unstoppable, and delivered yet again by pinning Mr. Bachchan on Bollywood’s elitist, careless and selfish attitude, and Mr. Bachchan’s own reluctance to speak up about issues affecting the common man. Mr. Bachchan was on the defensive and I was frankly let down by … Continue reading Arnab Goswami tells Amitabh Bachchan like it is

Dalit oppression: A dark reality of Indian democracy

” The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people” -Dr. Martin Luther King Imagine yourself living in a community where daughters disappear and as you are frantically searching them, you find their lifeless bodies hanging from a tree in your neighborhood. When you go to the police to complain, they assault … Continue reading Dalit oppression: A dark reality of Indian democracy

Modi stealing nonexistent political secularism

Mr. Narendra Modi- love him or hate him, but one cannot ignore the fact that his win is anything but an ordinary one. Today many politically liberal  ‘intellectuals’  fear that India will now see religious polarization under his rule. Some even argue that the world’s largest democracy is entering the most sinister period since independence. Of course, Modi is divisive, but for a common man, … Continue reading Modi stealing nonexistent political secularism

Vida Manejo, Narendra Modi, Modi, Lok Sabha Elections, 2014 Elections

The Fall of Super Modi – India’s Lok Sabha Elections 2014

The Republic of India in it’s 64th year, elected Narendra Modi as it’s Prime Minister in May, 2014. The election was a historic one, with over 800 million eligible voters, the largest democracy in the world went to vote in months of April and May. The election of Narendra Modi was nothing short of controversy on steroids – his tainted human rights record was overshadowed by … Continue reading The Fall of Super Modi – India’s Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Still undecided whom to vote? We have Rakhi Sawant for you..!

No pun intended here! We love Rakhi Sawant. Over the years she has managed to surprise  us with her “nautanki” or antics. This time, she is contesting for Lok Sabha elections in Mumbai North-West constituency. Needless to say, our gossip-monger media folks have gone berserk around her. No wonder, in no time, our Rakhi has managed to be amongst the top five high-profile women candidates in … Continue reading Still undecided whom to vote? We have Rakhi Sawant for you..!