What is it about New Years that we all want it to be a fresh start?

Read: 8 mins “New Year’s Day … now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” ~ Mark Twain ~ New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies, fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain (No pun indented). January is a good time to re-evaluate, re-prioritize and re-set new ambitious goals … Continue reading What is it about New Years that we all want it to be a fresh start?

16 Things I learnt in 2016

2016 – we’re so over you already! So many injured hearts and hopes – the year took it all. This year has been particularly challenging for the feminists across the United States still trying to make sense of the political landscape awaiting us 2017 onwards. Here’s an amazing quote that will keep us pushing to fight the good fight in the meantime! Every woman that finally figured out her … Continue reading 16 Things I learnt in 2016

5 Ways to Succeed with New Year’s Resolutions

With February of 2015 almost over, it’s time to reflect on how those New Year’s resolutions are coming along. I have pretty much fallen off the wagon with my “work out 30 minutes daily” resolution. But, there’s no reason to give up on resolutions just yet. I conducted a small focus-group of the 10 most inspiring people around me – people on their way to big … Continue reading 5 Ways to Succeed with New Year’s Resolutions

Lose Weight: Ditch the Traditional Workouts

The New Years brings new resolutions to look and feel our best, and to lose the unwanted pounds once and for all. In my own experience, I usually start out working at least an hour per day for the first 2 weeks. The fitness enthusiasm declines precipitously by the end of January and old sedentary habits feel too hard to break. But this year however, … Continue reading Lose Weight: Ditch the Traditional Workouts