Devyani Khobragade – Monster Employer’s Diplomatic Mess

“Mommy can we please get that?” said a sweet little 4 or something year old boy, as he pointed to the chocolate croissant. His accent was somewhat Californian and I asked his mother, where she was from.  She told me she was from California indeed!  She was accompanying her husband who worked in the State Department, and was eager to head back home for Summer … Continue reading Devyani Khobragade – Monster Employer’s Diplomatic Mess

We like ’em lighter! Hoopla around Ms. America 2013

An outpouring of nationalistic sentiment, on twitter-feed on September 16th morning, read something like this: Clearly, there was some confusion about Ms. Nina Davuluri’s heritage, some called her Arab, some called her Al Qaeda, some called her an Indian and some a terrorist. We weren’t quite sure how the same person could be confused for an Arabian (from Saudi Arabia), an Indian, a 7-11 owner … Continue reading We like ’em lighter! Hoopla around Ms. America 2013

Help, trust and all that happens between a woman and a man

A must read from Ludovica Gazzè, who is a well traveled researcher from Italy, and currently studying in Boston – about traveling and living amongst the men of India! (Warning – Some adult language used ahead!) Two days ago it was my last Sunday in India. It was a beautiful day, and I was in beautiful Madhya Pradesh (sorry, Uttar Pradesh, but I couldn’t resist the hills, … Continue reading Help, trust and all that happens between a woman and a man