Mother's Day, Vida Manejo, Violence Against Women,

Mother’s Day Stories – The Mother who lost in love!

The pale yellow walls closed in on memories her heart ached to leave behind. The innocent smile of the child ripped from her bosom too soon cut through her heart like an old rusted knife tearing at her wounds slowly but surely. He took her beautiful baby away 10 days ago and she didn’t know whom to turn to. Tears clouded her vision as she stared … Continue reading Mother’s Day Stories – The Mother who lost in love!

Sughar |The Power of a woman| Social Entrepreneur Khalida Brohi

Written by: Saadia Haq Coming from a remote, small village in Balochistan, the most under developed province of Pakistan, Khalida Brohi likes to refer herself as a village girl at large. She has been educated in metropolitan city, Karachi yet Khalida’s heart lies in her roots, her land. Pakistan, a country with widespread violence against women continues to affect lives on a daily basis; Khalida’s … Continue reading Sughar |The Power of a woman| Social Entrepreneur Khalida Brohi

Why Indians Are Failing Their Daughters – International Women’s Day Special

India – the land of colorful cultural heritage; the land where goddesses are revered as powerful protectors and preservers, is also the land where nearly 44 million women were reported missing as of 2001.  Female infanticide (murdering a girl child right after birth), female foeticide (through sex-selective abortion), neglect of a female child, and abandoning female infants at birth are the reasons why the child … Continue reading Why Indians Are Failing Their Daughters – International Women’s Day Special

Why Karna’s death has lessons for modern society

Ask any ten followers of Mahabharat, who their favorite character is, invariably, most of them would say “Karna” – the valiant warrior who possessed all qualities of five Pandavas together. He had moral values of Yudhisthir, physical strength of Bhima, archery knowledge of Arjuna, good looks of Nakula, and knowledge of Sahadeva. Being raised in a low-caste household, he was a victim of caste-based discrimination all his life. Abandoned by his princess mother, … Continue reading Why Karna’s death has lessons for modern society

Rural Women – Poor Women – How little we know about Empowerment!

As I travel through rural villages in Bihar, the state with highest poverty rates in India, my moral compass tells me – it’s time for a “reality check”. I work in the International Development sector. I talk about poverty eradication and social development all the time as if I was born to enlighten everyone and erase pain from this world. Sometimes, my trivial “self” blows hot air … Continue reading Rural Women – Poor Women – How little we know about Empowerment!