It’s all about cleavage – Deepika Padukone’s cleavage!

Who doesn’t love Deepika Padukone? She’s blessed with a perfect body, a captivating smile, a tall athletic father, a reconstructed nose, and an enviable career. She’s gorgeous and guess what, we all love her from head to toe. Men gape at her and her cleavage – as do women, and as did Times of India.

The controversy began when Times of India tweeted a picture of Deepika Padukone’s picture captioned – “Oh My God!: Deepika Padukone’s cleavage show!” Deepika Padukone replied “Yes! I am a woman. I have breasts and a cleavage! You got a problem!!??” Of course, the world supported Dippy and rightly so. Continue reading It’s all about cleavage – Deepika Padukone’s cleavage!

Sughar |The Power of a woman| Social Entrepreneur Khalida Brohi

Written by: Saadia Haq Coming from a remote, small village in Balochistan, the most under developed province of Pakistan, Khalida Brohi likes to refer herself as a village girl at large. She has been educated in metropolitan city, Karachi yet Khalida’s heart lies in her roots, her land. Pakistan, a country with widespread violence against women continues to affect lives on a daily basis; Khalida’s … Continue reading Sughar |The Power of a woman| Social Entrepreneur Khalida Brohi

Coming out of Aunty’s World!

“Kamala Aunty’s son is already married   Why are you not getting married?” “Sarala Aunty’s daughter already has two kids. Why are you not having one?” “Pushpa Aunty’s son works in Wall Street. Why are you not getting such jobs?”   I am sure these lines are not unique in our lives. We all have those “aunties” that our mothers talked about. For some reason, … Continue reading Coming out of Aunty’s World!

Why Karna’s death has lessons for modern society

Ask any ten followers of Mahabharat, who their favorite character is, invariably, most of them would say “Karna” – the valiant warrior who possessed all qualities of five Pandavas together. He had moral values of Yudhisthir, physical strength of Bhima, archery knowledge of Arjuna, good looks of Nakula, and knowledge of Sahadeva. Being raised in a low-caste household, he was a victim of caste-based discrimination all his life. Abandoned by his princess mother, … Continue reading Why Karna’s death has lessons for modern society

Women, Men, Beauty and their Bodies – The warped body-image

Ever hear the little voice inside you say, “Uhh! I hate being fat”, or “My butt’s so big it could cover the earth?” Or ever hear a sharp critique from friends or family, “You’re pretty, but you gotta lose some weight”. What do you see when you see in the mirror? Are you not seeing the tight-bodied “ideal woman” on COSMO or GLAMOUR, or the … Continue reading Women, Men, Beauty and their Bodies – The warped body-image

Celebrating Extra-“Ordinary” Women – Part 1

The New Year brings new beginnings and hopes for a better world. We are inspired by extra-ordinary people around us, as we continue to emulate their grit, their perseverance and their positive outlook towards life.  We bring you stories of 2 such amazing women we met during our travels in India (watch out for the next story…next week). Let us introduce you to “Gudiya” (translates … Continue reading Celebrating Extra-“Ordinary” Women – Part 1

Trading Wood

If you go to any tribal area in India, you will invariably see tribal women entering forest areas early in the morning (before 6 A.M.) in search of fuel wood. While wood is collected for their households (wood is still the main source of energy for cooking), many also sell them. In Bastar, Chhattisgarh, we managed to capture stories of two women selling wood. Pagua waits for a village … Continue reading Trading Wood