Design Your Special Day Behind Your Door

Happy New Year, friends!  Are we not excited about the beginning of the year and our New Year  resolutions to lead a healthy lifestyle? How about giving ourselves the permission to truly relax in our own backyard this year? We have read about Yogis discussing about their truly transformative experiences and benefits from a Yoga Retreat. But let me be honest. Yoga Retreats are expensive. … Continue reading Design Your Special Day Behind Your Door

Yoga 101: For those who think they cannot do Yoga!

You have heard about Yoga, you want to try but too scared seeing those extraordinary poses!  You think you cannot do Yoga! I explain why Yoga is just for you. How shall I start? Listen to this 10 minute “visualization” exercise offered by Esther Ekhart. Two years ago, when I first came across this video, I was in a bad phase of my life. During this exercise, … Continue reading Yoga 101: For those who think they cannot do Yoga!

What is Yoga and Why you must Embrace it

Today is the June 21st, the International Yoga Day! But do we really know about the miracles of Yoga beyond on-trend tags like Hot Yoga or Power Yoga? When we think of Yoga we often think of springy, bendy people in twisted poses. On the contrary, Yoga has little to do with external poses, but all about the union and harmony of mind, body and spirit. … Continue reading What is Yoga and Why you must Embrace it

Exercises for lazies and for entertainment

Is your New Year Resolution to shed those extra pounds that you have gained during Holiday Seasons? And are you one of them who hates going to gyms? Trust us, you are not alone. Our festival celebration here in India started in October. Dusherra, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year celebrations, and today when I come back to my normal world, my weighing machine suggests … Continue reading Exercises for lazies and for entertainment